Gingivitis in Cats: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Bad smell from the mouth of the cat is not always the cause of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Often the smell from the mouth is the first sign of gingivitis - common inflammatory infections of the gums  Gingivitis - a mild form of the dangerous disease - periodontitis. Inflammation can affect not only one tooth, but several at once. Infection, which is accompanied by inflammation, quickly spread from the most infected gums to the ligaments and bone that hold the teeth in the oral.

If the owner just did not pay attention to the problems of the caudate, consequently did not start treatment or not adhered to all the recommendations of a veterinarian, as a result tooth lost support, which leads to his slacking, and in the later stages - loss of tooth. Problems with gums and teeth have extremely negative impact on the body in general. Besides unpleasant putrid odor from the mouth also can occur the spread of infection throughout the body of the animal, affecting the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system and other organs through infected blood, because in the cat's mouth is quite good blood supply. Getting infection in the blood, transporting it to the organs can cause them heavy defeat. If at this point not to pay attention to the condition of the cat - all can end is pitiable, leading to a denial of one or another organ.

Gingivitis in Cats

Causes and symptoms of gingivitis in cats

To determine the symptoms of gingivitis in cats need to understand the reasons why the disease develops. Gingivitis of pets can be of two types:

  • Plasmacytic-Lymphocytic Gingivitis - a more severe form of inflammatory gum disease. It causes severe acute pain, the occurrence of ulcers on the soft palate or oropharynx. As a result - a cat's appetite decreases, she refuses to eat or loses weight. Establish the cause of plasmacytic-lymphocytic gingivitis is not possible. Furthermore, veterinarians believe that it is a form of gingivitis that can eventually lead to serious diseases such as the rhinotracheitis, calicivirus cats or distemper (panleukopenia);
  • Dental Gingivitis occurs after raid on teeth and canines of pet. It should be remembered that the plaque is caused by settling of bacteria and food particles near the compound of teeth and gums. First on the teeth is formed faint patina, which each time becoming more dense. Not removed plaque is hardens and becomes dental tartar. It is easy to see in those places where the tooth is connected to the gum. Usually tartar has a distinctive yellow color that is different from the natural enamel. After some time, there is a reddening of the gums, which is the first sign of developing gingivitis.
Gingivitis in Cats

Based on the above reasons, it is clear that the first sign of any type of gingivitis is a bad smell from the pet's mouth. There are also the main symptoms, visible to the naked eye:
  • Profuse salivation;
  • Swelling of the gums, their redness. This is especially evident at the site of compounds of the tooth and gum;
  • Unpleasant smell from the mouth;
  • Bleeding gums, increasing by touch or light pressure;
  • Lack of appetite. More specifically, the pet is hungry, appetite is not lost, but a strong pain in the mouth does not let pet to eat the food.
For the diagnosis of "dental gingivitis" or "gingivitis" veterinarian will examine the oral cavity of cat, paying particular attention to the presence of plaque, inflammation or redness in the gums and the presence or absence of odor from the mouth.

To confirm the diagnosis of "Plasmacytic-Lymphocytic Hepatitis", cat should be biopsied.

Treatment of gingivitis in cats

Treatment depends entirely on the degree of development of gingivitis. In the initial stages of early treatment is possible by regular brushing. Removing tartar is a preventive measure rather than curative, but can also be a cause of gingivitis. In fact, gingivitis - inflammation of the gums, and improperly performing procedures to remove the stone fangs and teeth pet can lead to penetration of infection into the space between the tooth and gum, and as a result, give rise to inflammatory processes in the mouth.

In the treatment of Plasmacytic-Lymphocytic Gingivitis typically use such preparations and methods:
  • First appointed antibiotics to reduce inflammation and kill the infection. They can be used both topically and in tablet form;
  • Immunomodulators are used to enhance immunity pet, they are dripping on the tip of the nose to kitty could lick it;
  • Removing plaque which is appearing in the jaws of the cats. Only qualified veterinarian can do it;
  • The use of anti-inflammatory drugs also contributes to the passage of infection.
If no improvement is seen, and the treatment is not successful, the only salvation for this pet health becomes the removal of teeth, exposed to infection.